
SEMA Sideshow: Heels and wheels [VIDEO]

SEMA is unique in many ways compared to the other major auto shows we cover. One of these is the reputation the show has for the number of models hired for promotion that can be found throughout the convention center. It seemed everywhere we went there was a model handing out literature, signing posters or just standing next to products on display. In a sea of thousands of goods, many of the vendors understand how much a pretty face can increase traffic and lead to more potential sales. This being Las Vegas, it was getting to the point where just a pretty face wasn't enough anymore.

The outfits these gals wear started getting more and more outrageous a long time ago. That trend thankfully stopped a year ago and took a few steps back in the interest of decency. This year's models tended to be much more modestly dressed and wholesome looking, with a few notable exceptions. Check them all out in the gallery below, and be sure to view the video after the jump that was probably more fun for us to make than it is for you to watch, but we'll let you be the judge of that.

Surfing the Net
