
Chris Brown Pleads Guilty to Assault

Chris Brown pleaded guilty Monday to assaulting Rihanna and the two were ordered to stay away from each other. In a deal that keeps the singer out of prison, Brown is required to clean up graffiti or roadside trash.

The Last Airbender Teaser Trailer!! **OFFICIAL**

The Official Teaser Trailer for THE LAST AIRBENDER!! Coming summer 2010!


Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan.
Cinematography by: Andrew Lesnie.
Music by: James Newton Howard.
Produced by: Frank Marshall and Sam Merce

Promises - A MUST SEE dvd! Palestinian & Israeli kids!

This movie will move you to tears.

This film has the most balanced view that I have yet seen on the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

Now if the same thing could only be done with adults as the main characters as well!

It really grabs you from the start and you really get to know and like the Palestinian and Jewish children, who are caught up in an adults world of hatred for each other.

The most touching film I have ever seen. I was moved to tears by this movie.... GET THIS DVD!

And at the end of the movie, be sure to watch the "Special Features" section on the DVD. It gives you an update on the Children today.

تريلر فيلم احكي يا شهرزاد

بطولة : منى زكي

تريلر فيلم العالمي

تريلر فيلم بدل فاقد

بطولة أحمد عز

تريلر فيلم السفاح

إعلان فيلم السفاح بطولة : هاني سلامه ، نيكول سابا ، خالد الصاوي


Agnes - Release Me

I Love her So Much..

Obama Kills Fly: Ninja REMIX!

Barely Political's Ninja Obama dispels claims that he is "soft," showing no mercy to a fly. World be warned!

Friend Request: Hookin' Up

hhahhhah its so Funny..

Hollywood, je t'aime - Trailer

WTF.... '2012' Trailer HD

Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. A global cataclysm brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors.

I'm Talkin 'bout ~ [ L O V E ] ♥x

Heey Guy'z !!

My Thread Today is About ; 'LOVE QUOTES' <3

I'm a HUGE Quote Freak ..

I Used to Save Every Love Quoate i read and fell in love with ..

So Now there PLENTY of Amazing Love Quoates ..

I'll Share some of the best with u Guy'z ..


Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!
~ from the movie Moulin Rouge ~

I would fly you to the moon and back if you'll be . . . if you'll be my baby.
~ From a song by Savage Garden ~

What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
~ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.
~ by Elizabeth Bowen (1899-1973) ~

The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is to love and be loved in return.
~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole

Soul meets soul on lover's lips.
~ by Percy Bysshe *****y ~

True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
Nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
~ by Anonymous ~

Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage...
~ by Ambrose Bierce ~

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.
~ by Willam Shakespeare ~

Seduce my mind and you can have my body,
Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
~ by Anonymous ~

So dear I love him that with him,
All deaths I could endure.
Without him, live no life.
~ by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet ~

I have loved to the point of madness;
That which is called madness,
That which to me,
Is the only sensible way to love.
~ by F. Sagan ~

She walks in beauty,
Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes.
~ by Byron ~

Did my heart love till now?
Forswear it sight,
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.
~ Romeo, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare ~

Love is like a rumor,
Everyone talks about it,
But no one truly knows.
~ by Anonymous ~

True love doesn't have a happy ending:
True love doesn't have an ending.
~ by Anonymous ~

You don't love a woman because she's beautiful,
She is beautiful because you love her.
~ by Anonymous ~

Are You Strong ?
Or is it The Weakness in Me ?!
~ From a Song By Kate ~

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
~ by Thomas Fuller ~

Since I've Lost You..
I'm Lost, too !
~ From a Song By Lil Wayne "Something You Forgot".

The most eloquent silence; that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.
~ by Unknown ~

And I Love it When in the Middle of Our Kiss,
I Could Feel You Smiling.
~ By Unknown ~

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres

Laila wel Theeb In Iraqi...

في يوم من الأيام قررت ليلى الذهاب إلى جدتها التي تسكن في الغابة المخيفة
فأعطتها أمها سلة وبها بعض من "الدولمه" هدية لها
فوصلت ليلى إلى الغابة وهي تسير بها وتغني فرحه
خاله شكو شنهوالخبر داحجيلي
وكانت الطيور تغني فرحة معها وتقول:
أوووي أوووي
ولكن سرعان ما سمعت ليلى صوت مريب خلف الشجرة المخيفة هناك
فأسرعت هي بدورها لتعرف "شكو ماكو" فأ دهشت ليلى من وجود الذئب الشرير خلف الشجرة
فسألتهُ ببراءة الأطفال وقالت:
عمي الذيب عمي الذيب هاي لوييش عيونك كبار جنك بومه؟
فرد الذئب بارتباك قائلاً:
عمي هسه عوفيني عندي شغل يابه
دهشت ليلى من هذا الرد التحفه
لكن سرعان ما عادت إلى غنائها وغنت أغنية
كِلي يا حلووو امنيين الله جاباك
في هذه الأثناء سمعت ليلى نفس الصوت المريب
فذهبت لترى من هناك
ورأت الذئب مره ثانية
وسألته بشيء من الحذر وقالت:
عمي الذيب عمي الذيب هاي لوييش اذونك إكبار جنها أذون الشيطان؟
فرد الذئب باستياء كبير جداً قائلاً:
وِلِج هــاي غـير طرقاعه هااااي.. عمو عوفني هسه وُلِج اشبيييج إنتي؟؟
عادت ليلى إلى الغناء وهي مكسورة الخاطر ولكن عاد الصوت ليزعج ليلى فهرولت خلف الشجرة
ثم سألت الذئب بشيء من الخُبث هذه المرة وقالت:
عمي الذيب عمي الذيب هاي لوييش حلكَكْ اجبير جنه حلك هدى حسين؟؟
فرد الذئب غاضِباً يائساً:
وِلِج نعنه على النعنه من على النعنه
هاي الواحد يعني مايُعْرُفْ يبول ابهاي الغابه!!!؟؟


The Diva Najwa Karam - Khaleeni Shoofak Bellayl Album"نجوى كرم - أغنية خليني شوفك بالليل"

Najwa Karam - Khaleeni Shoofak Bellayl Album: Khaleeni Shoofak 2009 Directed by: Yehya Saade Produced by: Rotana Lyrics by: Hussein Ismaeel Composition by: Wissam El Ameer Arranged by:Rojeh Khouri


The Blind Eye

Once a man performed a good deed, and God wanted to reward him. However, he had been badly treated by his brother and now nourished a deep hatred. Not wanting to encourage him, God sent His Angel and told the man that as a remuneration for his deed he would receive anything he wished - on the condition that his brother would receive twice as much.
The angel gave the man time to think. The man dreamed about the mountains of gold he could get... but then his brother would get even more. He dreamed about the lands he would farm... but his brother would receive more lands. He dreamed about having many children but his brother would have more.
The angel came to hear his decision. The man trembled, caught between his dreams and hatred. Finally he told the angel: "I wish to be good but I cannot. Please leave me with one eye."

A Reconciliation

Once upon a time during the Intifada a car accident happened near the crossroads Bethlehem-Hebron-Beit Jala. The driver was a Christian young man from Bethlehem. The child who was knocked down and killed was a Moslem from Abu Dis village near Jerusalem. The Arab custom on such occasions is to send some dignitaries who know the tribal traditional laws (Al 'Urf) well and know how to make a truce (Al Athwa) so as to avoid any revenge or bloodshed instigated by the family of the victim.
So some elderly men of Bethlehem area went to Jerusalem. There they met the old people of the victim. The Bethlehem spokesman and his companions started to make apologies for what happened and requested a truce on behalf of the Bethlehem people. The spokesman who represented the family of the child stood up and told them that he would not make any truce unless the driver who caused the fatal accident would appear in front of all the people.
The Bethlehem notables became worried and could not understand the motive behind the highly unusual demand. After consultations, the spokesman of the Bethlehemites stood up and, hesitatingly, accepted the demand, asking for guarantees to secure the safety of the driver. The Jerusalem spokesman stood up and said: "After God, the sole guaranteer of all, I am the one who can secure his life. No one will touch him or inflict any harm on him. However, please bring him here in front of all."
Then a group of elderly people went back to Bethlehem and brought the driver. All people on both sides were worried and afraid. The old spokesman ordered for coffee to be served. Now according to tradition, coffee is served only after the truce has been agreed upon. Some people who were ignorant about the custom drank the coffee, but most wanted to wait until the announcement came.
The old man noticed that many of the Bethlehem people did not drink their coffee. He stood up, and insisted that everybody should drink it. After they did so, he said: "God had given us this child and God has taken him. We are all sorry. This young driver did not intend to kill him. May God forgive him and forgive us all. Go back, you people of Bethlehem. This is life and we are all people of the same God of the same country. We neither want Athwa nor any compensation. May God pardon you and have mercy on our son and all the dead..."

The Lost Boys

At one day during the time of the Intifada two young Jewish boys from Jerusalem ran to catch the last bus. Panting profusely, and relieved that they had caught the bus, they did not realize that they took the wrong direction. At the end of the route, they left the bus and looked around them. Where were they? The bus driver wanted to go home and did not bother to help them. Not knowing where to go, they chose a road which they thought would lead them back home. However, the road led them only further astray.
They walked away from Jerusalem into Bethlehem. While walking for hours in the dark, they saw the dim houses along the road becoming stranger and poorer. Leaving Bethlehem they walked towards Dheisha refugee camp.
There, finally, was a man at a gas station who stopped them. They did not know what to do. The man was Arab, could they trust him? He was friendly and suggested the kids to call their home.
The kids' parents were terribly worried. Hearing that the boys were in a Palestinian refugee camp did not lessen their worries. They knew there had been regular clashes between Palestinian refugees and Israeli soldiers. The kids could have been kidnapped! But nothing dramatic happened. The man at the gas station simply put on a fire in the cold night and kept the boys warm until their parents came to pick them up.
After the parents had thanked him and made ready to leave homewards, the man asked them to stay one minute more. He told the boys' parents about the fate of his family. Some of his brothers were in prison and another had died of Israeli bullets. However, he said that he was glad to do the parents a favor. He did not feel hatred towards the Jews.

A Palestinian Woman and an Israeli Child

During one of the Intifada days, a young Palestinian woman was trapped between two groups of Israeli soldiers and Palestinian stone throwers. Gas grenades were thrown and the woman had to close the windows of her car. She was four months pregnant. She felt about to suffocate but managed to go home. However, her pains increased and at night she was admitted to the hospital. Next day she had an abortion and saw her four months old' baby boy dead. She was terribly depressed since it was the second abortion she suffered during the last three years.
A week later she visited a medical doctor in Jerusalem for a check up. When coming out of the doctor's clinic, she saw nearby on top of an electric staircase an Israeli child who was recklessly playing and about to fall down. Thoughts rushed through her mind. Should she leave him and let him die the way the Israeli soldiers let her boy die a week ago, or should she make a desperate attempt to grab him? All of a sudden, she felt an impulse that made her hurry forwards. Throwing herself in front of the boy she prevented his fall...

Ma Twin Sister Wedding..

My twin sister Dee got married four weeks Ago. The wedding was held at Regency Halls in Qatar - at the red Andalusia Hall. It was beautiful, informal, and fun. The first picture shows my Sister and her Husbend" Issac" just after the ceremony- handsome as ever. ALast but not least, wishing her a long Happy life.. with her choice.. and hope not to forget me :(
luv u sis..

Surfing the Net
